Search Results | 1916 united states presidential election

Your search for "1916 united states presidential election" returned 7 results

10 Bizarre Moments in Presidential Elections

Historically, presidential elections have been fraught with strange twists. Learn about 10 bizarre moments in presidential elections at HowStuffWorks.

Can a Supreme Court Justice Be Removed?

HowStuffWorks looks at the constitutional process for impeaching a United States Supreme Court justice.

10 Pioneering Female Politicians

Which female politicians have trail-blazed a path to close the gender gap? Learn about 10 pioneering female politicians.

How well do you know these famous firsts in modern history?

You never forget your first ... or do you? Everyone remembers Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, but do you remember the name of the first human in space? Test your knowledge of 'firsts' in modern history with our quiz!

How Planned Parenthood Works

Planned Parenthood is pretty controversial for a nonprofit organization. As the largest abortion provider in the U.S., Planned Parenthood has its share of critics.

10 Career-ending Affairs

Career-ending affairs do more than ruin your personal life. Learn about 10 examples of career-ending affairs.

Babe Ruth

Born in Baltimore in 1895, George Ruth Jr. became one of baseball's greatest players. Learn how Babe Ruth made baseball history at HowStuffWorks.

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